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According to a report by the National Flood Insurance Program, floods cause more than $5 billion in damages each year. That’s a lot of money, even on the individual level. Fortunately, Tidal Wave Restoration has you covered with some tips on how to protect your home against flood damage. If the damage is already done, then call Tidal Wave to get started on the flood damage repair and water damage restoration. We serve Atlanta and many regions of the Metro Atlanta area. With that said, here are some ways to protect your property against flood damage.
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You must always prepare for the worst, and flood insurance is there to hedge some of your risks as a property owner. Take note that Homeowner insurance does NOT cover flood damage. You will need a separate policy to cover flood damage. Do your due diligence and shop around before choosing your flood insurance policy. At the end of the day, the cost of flood insurance is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of the water-damaged property.
Naturally, the basement is at the most risk of flood damage. Water, including flood water and rainwater, will flow to the lowest point of the building. This can be from within the building or from the outside.
Consider waterproof sealant for the basement walls and floors and install a sump pump to automatically eject excess water that does find its way inside. You can also have check valves installed. These allow water to flow out of your basement but not back in.
Check up on the sump pump periodically and test it by pouring a bucket of water into the sump pit to see if the pump activates. Similarly, inspect the check valves or have them inspected by a plumber once a year. Repair and replace if necessary.
Windows, especially basement windows, are the most vulnerable parts of a building when it comes to storm and flood damage. Unsurprisingly, there are solutions to this problem as well. Namely, there are window wells and flood shutters.
Window wells are installed around the perimeter of basement windows. They catch the water that comes to the windows and drain it away from your property. Flood shutters, meanwhile, are installed over the windows and sealed off the window in the event of a flood.
This is reserved for areas at the most risk of flooding. This means quite literally raising your home above the base flood elevation. As you can imagine, this is no small feat, but it can be done. You can also build a flood-proof wall around that first floor. Some homeowners even do both!
Do you need flood damage repair or water damage restoration? Tidal Wave Restoration will help you through the entire process and get you back to where you were before the flood or water damage. We can also help you file your insurance claim and even bill the insurance provider directly!